Pain in the butt!!

Everyday is like a wake up call… LIFE IS NOT PERFECT! However much you try to lead it according to morals and to your religious views or whatever you encounter an ass-hole or two, and there goes all your morals and peace all down the drain.

It took soo much patience today to not punch this asshole in the face. Ironically HR is ‘the’ place you encounter ass holes as much as their job is to not be ass holes to people. No wonder people have unions and protest in organisations.. All because of a bloody useless unit.

The workplace which I sadly like most of you spend hours on end, is a so called religious organisations.. which harbours self righteous ass holes.. of which may be just may be I could too be categorized as an ass hole on someone else’s definitions. And may be writing this post is my ass hole move 😛

We work by choice, I am here by choice.. and we sign a new piece of paper which extends our choice on their terms still by choice. Thus by all means given that they failed to give it on time.. only because I am of junior caliber.. is indeed outrageous because of the type of work the organisation itself engages in. So givem the months delay.. i further delayed (only a week which will end tomorrow) on my part in making the choice as it was important to me to consult my superior before hand. Storming into the floor this ass hole (who after receiving a promotion walks about a foot above the ground and couldn’t wait another three more days) threw this piece of paper at me claiming that he could no longer keep it with him. What?

1) If at all someone should be breaking hell and making a scene it should have been as I have been deprived of a promotional salary for two months now.
2) He is not my boss to treat me like crap. Honestly I have had my fair share of nightmare bosses and no one treated me like this. I would expect work related superiors to treat me like this not someone who is supposed to be your focal for all work related condolences
3) Is this the type of learning to display at an organisation claiming to be motivated by religious learnings
4) I guess when you do not pertain prior qualifications or prior experience and get too accustomed to the ways of a single organisation this is what materialises. Your personality reflects on the piece of shit hole you are!

It took soo much of patience honestly to not scream and throw something and also given that I was on an important call provided him a better chance. But seriously.. DIE!

Some people just continue to be ass – holes.. its just fascinating how one person can affect how you feel in a matter of seconds. No matter how you try to ignore or set things right, it just doesn’t work and they still create problems where there aren’t any. And then we pretend to be devotees of what ever religion we belive and continue to do the same thing. As god is the ultimate judge I will try my level best (to be honest) and not judge. But it’s the most difficult thing right now when someone is trying to ruin you and the confidence you have. God my prayer is that I commit all my problems unto you so that you will fill my needs.

Random Thoughts

With recent experiences, it is pretty clear that life or so called this life can never be perfect. Something has to go wrong!

When you have smooth sailing with family affairs, then your office or social life throws itself into the pit of fire.

And when you have the perfect workplace, with all the benefits in the world and even accommodates your religious and ethnic views something like your family life turn itself upside down.

Why can’t we have things falling into place. Why is it just too hard to have things going your way for a change. I am pretty bummed out this week. Its the worst week of my life in simple. I wish I was never even born. Thats how bad it is..


Perfect life therefore.. in conclusion is a myth.

They Say

Trials and tribulations they say brings character and esteem

But do they really

What does it take to be beautiful?

On both inside and out

How can you stop others from a judgemental eye

Forget the haters’ coz the judge is God

But really in this world?

Beauty comes at a price they say

What does it take to be noticed by someone straight

Lonely unloved feelings disarray

Hardships come to those that can handle it

They Say

But why, give me a reason why I should suffer

Day by day, with imperfection and insecurities

One moment, why are we accustomed to feel this way?

It’s life they say

Wait, who is ‘they’?

All I can say is UGH!

Having graduated, you think you can take over the world!? LET ME JUST BREAK YOUR BUBBLE JUST THERE! You can’t! simple as that..

If you are as passive aggressive and a push over as I am.. then you are just going to suck in the real world! You will find a job that pays you something close to nada, but disguises that in the whole ‘good experience’ crap. You will work so hard, that when you ask for leave they just simply say, no you have to come to work and then you simply agree to it!

Then there is your work colleague, who is an ass-hole! Half the time loiters, and you have to call him one hundred times to see where he is. Then he always puts the whole can you write the report and you just simply agree. And then steals your format to make his and then shows off with bright colours.

I am done. JUST DONE!

you ain’t seen nothing like the wrath of an annoyed bitch!

Trouble Trouble Toil and Bubble

So this teaching thing, is very new to me. Its mainly my fault I think for trying to be accomadating and trying to be nice I guess. Being a tutor I think the ‘handbook’ says that you should not cancel class ever, specially when the students ask you to.

I mean who the hell am I going to teach if there aren’t any students. I feel dumb and stupid right now.. I actually have quite valid reasons as to why I cancelled class, but I guess someone needs to get blamed for cancelling student-less class.