
Ok.. So I am all up for arranged marriages but this one was such a blow to my self esteem. So I know how people say oh looks don’t matter when you get married and blah blah blah.. But I think it sure does when it comes to first impressions and attraction overall. Looks of course depend on your perspective however that being said my man who ever it may be needs to be at least a 8 on a scale of 1 – 10 based on international standards.

Waking up to prospects of a marriage proposal ain’t fun. Especially when you have not even had breakfast and just woken up on Saturday. My mother had met with some Aunty down our lane who had mentioned the prospects of a proposal to this good Anglican boy (WTH just coz I am Anglican I obviously get matched with an Anglican and a good boy like what the hell is that?) who is engaged in such a job and yada yada yada.. I will refrain from mentioning his job prospects just so that I don’t sound snobbish.

Marriage is a cover a protection for a girl and not something that she has to have. It should be something that enhances her life prospects and wellbeing overall and not drag her down. These aunties I tell you.. honestly.. just because your single doesn’t mean that we are dying to get married to every Tom Dick and Harry. Plus I mean I am going to sound like a snob when I say this but given that I am already someone who has a very low self esteem with regard to my appearance and size lo and behold when I saw his Facebook profile my heart shattered. He did not look at all like my type.. Like it was soo bad.. And I know I was asked by one of my friends to not call people ugly but he looked like soooooooooo bad. Like I don’t know.. God created everything so well but this was just not my type of creation ok.

I felt so bad for being paired with or some actually thought of someone like that as a good partner for me. Like may be now to think of it I am not at all up for this arranged marriage shit.. Like may be I want to choose who it’s going to be like a good hunky type with some form of intellectual profession on his resume. Yes I sound like a real snob for saying all of the above..but this is the rest of my life we are talking about may be I should have a say and be absolutely blunt and brutally honest. Someone who compliments me and not someone who drags you down.

Lesson of the day ensure you have good selfies if your single and your parents are arranging your marriage.. I might be checking your profile out..